Track Packages
Information about your ROCKnSHOP package
Track your shipment online!
When we ship an order with DHL, you will receive an automatic email from us once we hand over your package to DHL. This email will contain a tracking code as a link. With this link, you can track your shipment on DHL’s website by clicking on it. You can do this from about 9 PM on the shipping day (the day your package is handed over to DHL), as DHL first needs to register the package in their system. Once you follow the link, DHL will keep you updated on the status of your package. When the status of the package changes, DHL will update this information automatically. Additionally, you can check if a delivery attempt has already been made.
If it becomes necessary to contact DHL – for example, to arrange a second delivery attempt – you will find the necessary contact information below.
How can I use my tracking number to follow my shipment on carrier websites (e.g., if I only have the tracking number but not the tracking link)?
Enter the tracking number and then click on "Search." On the next page, you will get an overview of the current status of your shipment. To see the exact status of your delivery, click on "Details."
Here is the customer service number for DHL Express:
DHL Service Number: 01805/345 22 55
Please note: Sometimes we send orders in multiple partial shipments, for example, if not all items from your order fit in one package. In this case, it may happen that you do not receive your entire order on the same day. Also, the delivery may not necessarily occur in the order in which we shipped the items to you.