Extended return deadline until 15.01.2025!

Happy New Year!

Order Process

Now order your St. Pauli fan products or band merchandise quickly and easily:

  1. Place the selected item in the cart
  2. Click on the cart icon
  3. If applicable, enter a voucher code or claim a reward
  4. Review the cart and click the "CHECKOUT" button
  5. Log in and create a customer account, including entering your email address, so we can inform you about your right of withdrawal/return rights
  6. Confirm or change your shipping address, payment method, and shipping method
  7. Click "NEXT"
  8. On the review page, check the accuracy of your information and click "EDIT" for any changes
  9. If applicable, enter a voucher code, add a comment, or claim a reward
  10. By clicking the "BUY" button, agree to the terms and conditions and complete the order!

Information about the timing of the contract conclusion can be found in the corresponding section of our Terms and conditions.

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